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Testing Angular Directives with a Test or Real Component

Posted by Simar Paul Singh on 2018-07-12

Angular Directives are an important construct in angular to make DOM manipulation and / or event handling abstract.

We should Unit Test directives by mocking all dependencies with jasmine mocks and spies. We should also Shallow / Deep Test directives using concrete Components (Compiled DOM).

A reasonable approach is to create TestComponent or pick up any component which uses the directive we want to test. Dependencies to the TestComponent are mocked, but the directive itself tests with a concrete component (compiled DOM).

This involves setting up of a TestBed to create a TestModule (also creates a zone for testing) and compile TestComponent with the directive to be tested.

Let us write a simple directive DisableLinkDirective which will provide [attr.disabled]="condition" functionality of anchor links <a/> so they can be disabled like <button/> natively do.

import {Directive, HostListener} from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'a[disabled]'
export class DisableLinkDirective {

  @HostListener('click', ['$event'])
  click(event: Event) {
    console.log('event', event);

We will test this directive with TestDisableLinkComponent component that has compiles anchor-links <a/> with disabled attribute.

import {DisableLinkDirective} from './disable-link.directive';
import {Component, DebugElement} from '@angular/core';
import {ComponentFixture, TestBed} from '@angular/core/testing';
import {By} from '@angular/platform-browser';
// creating a test component in the spec file
    selector: 'ngx-mix-test-disable-link-directive',
    template: `
     <a id="disabled-link" disabled (click)="onClick()">Disabled</a>
     <a id="normal-link" (click)="onClick()">Normal</a>
class TestDisableLinkComponent {
toggle = false;
onClick() {
    this.toggle = !this.toggle;
// tests start here
describe('DisableLinkDirective', () => {
let component: TestDisableLinkComponent;
  let fixture: ComponentFixture ;
beforeEach(async () => {
await TestBed.configureTestingModule({
      declarations: [TestDisableLinkComponent, DisableLinkDirective]
beforeEach(async () => {
    fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestDisableLinkComponent);
    component = fixture.componentInstance;
it('should create an instance', () => {
    const directive = new DisableLinkDirective();
it('should not toggle between enabled / disabled when the link with disabled attribute is clicked', async () => {
    const testDe: DebugElement = fixture.debugElement;
    const linkDe = testDe.query(By.css('#disabled-link'));
    const link: HTMLElement = linkDe.nativeElement;
    await expect(link.getAttribute('disabled')).not.toBe(null);
    const toggleValueBeforeClick = component.toggle;
    linkDe.triggerEventHandler('click', null);
    await fixture.whenStable();
    await expect(toggleValueBeforeClick).toBe(component.toggle);
it('should toggle between enabled / disabled when the link does not have disabled attribute', async () => {
    const testDe: DebugElement = fixture.debugElement;
    const linkDe = testDe.query(By.css('#normal-link'));
    const link: HTMLElement = linkDe.nativeElement;
    await expect(link.getAttribute('disabled')).toBe(null);
    const toggleValueBeforeClick = component.toggle;
    linkDe.triggerEventHandler('click', null);
    await fixture.whenStable();
    await expect(toggleValueBeforeClick).not.toBe(component.toggle);